prt=6 vrf=inet:4 len=990021 pfx= rd=0:0
pth=200612 3257 16509 14618
inf=http://bgp.he.net/AS200612 http://bgp.he.net/AS3257 http://bgp.he.net/AS16509 http://bgp.he.net/AS14618
nam=GulfBridgeInternational GTT-BACKBONE AMAZON-02 AMAZON-AES
id    category            value
      vrf                 inet:4
      ipver               4
      rd                  0:0
      original rd         0:0
      prefix network
      prefix broadcast
      prefix wildcard     ::3fff
      prefix netmask      ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:c000
      nlri                n/a
      alternates          1
      alternate #0        candidate=true best=true
alt0  type                bgp4 666
alt0  source    
alt0  validity            unset
alt0  segrout index       0
alt0  segrout old base    0
alt0  segrout base        0
alt0  segrout size        0
alt0  segrout offset      0
alt0  segrout prefix      null
alt0  bier index          0
alt0  bier subdomain      0
alt0  bier old base       0
alt0  bier base           0
alt0  bier range          0
alt0  bier size           0-32
alt0  updated             2025-02-13 16:19:33 (01:05:56 ago)
alt0  version             0
alt0  distance            255
alt0  metric              0
alt0  ident               0
alt0  hops                0
alt0  interface           null
alt0  table               null
alt0  nexthop   
alt0  original nexthop    null
alt0  route tag           0
alt0  origin type         0
alt0  local preference    100
alt0  accumulated igp     0
alt0  bandwidth           0
alt0  to customer asnum   0
alt0  to customer asnam   -Reserved
alt0  attribute asnum     0
alt0  attribute asnam     -Reserved
alt0  attribute value     n/a
alt0  nsh chain value     n/a
alt0  bfd discr value     n/a
alt0  tunnel type         0
alt0  tunnel value        n/a
alt0  link state          n/a
alt0  pmsi type           0
alt0  pmsi label*16       0
alt0  pmsi tunnel         n/a
alt0  evpn label*16       0
alt0  entropy label       n/a
alt0  atomic aggregator   false
alt0  aggregator asnum    0
alt0  aggregator asnam    -Reserved
alt0  aggregator router   null
alt0  connector router    null
alt0  distinguish pe      null
alt0  distinguish label   0
alt0  path limit          0
alt0  path asnum          0
alt0  path asnam          -Reserved
alt0  originator          null
alt0  cluster list
alt0  aspath              200612 3257 16509 14618
alt0  asname              GulfBridgeInternational GTT-BACKBONE AMAZON-02 AMAZON-AES
alt0  asinfo              http://bgp.he.net/AS200612 http://bgp.he.net/AS3257 http://bgp.he.net/AS16509 http://bgp.he.net/AS14618
alt0  asmixed             200612-GulfBridgeInternational 3257-GTT-BACKBONE 16509-AMAZON-02 14618-AMAZON-AES
alt0  path length         4
alt0  standard community  3257:4000 3257:6530 3257:8110 3257:8169 3257:8891 3257:32573 3257:50002 3257:50120 3257:51100 3257:51102 20061:2 nopeer
alt0  extended community
alt0  large community
alt0  internal source     1
alt0  local label         null
alt0  remote label
      counter             tx=0(0) rx=0(0) drp=0(0)
      lastio              input never ago, output never ago, drop never ago
      hardware counter    null